With the current cost of living crisis, has your employer met your expectations for a salary increase this year?

Thank you for all those that voted on our recent poll.

The results are:

  • An increase – wanted more -19.17% (14)
  • Had an increase – was OK – 24.6% (18)
  • No increase but I’ll stay – 24.6% (18)
  • No increase – I will leave – 31.5% (23)

Total votes – 73 votes

Almost 45% of those who voted have had pay increases which is great to hear. Living costs are up and it’s important that salaries are adjusted year on year to keep up. Hopefully those without payrises so far have recently moved roles or have a rise coming shortly. Certainly it seems to be causing 31% to consider leaving and finding a new role.

If you are you looking for a new position this year or require salary benchmarking information please do get in touch with Richmond Capital.

 📩If you would us like to explore a topic please email polls@richmond-capital.co.uk

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