How can I get time off to attend an interview?

It’s seemingly easier to look for a new role when you are currently in a job, however juggling interviews, especially if you are in multiple processes can be tricky.

Unless you are being made redundant, you aren’t likely to want to ask for permission from your manager to attend other interviews so how can you best manage the process?

Here are our top tips:

  • Avoid taking a sick day, you don’t want to be caught out as being dishonest and jeopardise your current role, and if you then get further interview stages to attend, having further sick days can raise suspicions.
  • Plan your interview before work or at the beginning of the day, or at the end of the day or after work so you can adjust your working hours just slightly to get their on time.
  • Request a phone or video interview to reduce the travel time required to attend an in person interview.
  • Extend or move your lunch break and see the company then
  • Use annual leave so that you can feel relaxed, this is particularly advised if the interview stage is likely to last several hours
  • Speak to your recruiter to see if they can help the client find further timing options that can work for you.

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